There was the most beautiful light for Rachel and Roger's wedding ceremony at Chico Hot Springs. It had been threatening rain all day but Rachel and Roger kept positive attitudes- they just knew it wouldn't rain on them on their wedding day. They were right! As their guests walked up to the Field of Dreams the sun broke through the clouds and they exchanged their vows in the diffused sparkle of the September sun- absolutely beautiful!
We had so much fun doing the portraits. Roger is a photographer as well and he seemed to not only be enjoying snuggling with his new wife but also just thinking about how great the photos would look in this light.
What I enjoyed the most about this wedding was how laid back and comfortable Rachel and Roger were. This made all their guests just kick back and have fun too- Justin and I included! Since this wedding was the day after our wedding anniversary, Rachel had a seperate table set up for us with candles and flowers. So sweet!
Wishing you all the happiness in the world Roger and Rachel! Thanks for having share in your special celebration.